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Hong Kong The Peak Fog

8 March 2014


The fog, oh the fog. I have never seen such fog.
To celebrate I walked up the peak. No not the tram, thats for lazy western tourists, the walk is much more fun.
Despite the lack of visibility, or perhaps because of it, this was very exciting, once I was at the top and went for a coffee, I expereinced indoor fog, there was actually low visibility from the fog blowing in through the doors and windows.
It wasnt particularly cold, and it never really rained properly, I thought I was doing well passing people who were stopped and doubled over, until a young guy ran past me dragging a tyre!
After the walk up, I had to walk back down, which gave me burning calves of fire, which feels fantastic. Some people like a candle shoved up their ass and hot wax dripped on them (spoiler alert: see the wolf of wall street), others like to experience muscle soreness with every step.

Somewhat predictably, the fog cleared up when I was back nearer the ground, and so I went exploring in the area further west of my hotel. This took in a cake shop, an American style diner, a wet market, various shops selling dried caterpillars guarded by a store cat, and Phillipino remittance day crowds of indentured servants.

****special update**** It seems I inadvertently broke the website making a minor refinement to my pervasive tracking cookie code which provides me with all kinds of data on what you do online via this website which is nothing more than a front for the whole operation. Its fixed now. Sorry about that.

Hong Kong-The Peak-Fog - Commando knitting, a global phenommenonnemenomnemomnonm however you spell that.

Commando knitting, a global phenommenonnemenomnemomnonm however you spell that.

Hong Kong-The Peak-Fog - These buildings always amaze me, they are built on the side of a steep hill, seemingly designed to slide down the water logged slope whenever it next

These buildings always amaze me, they are built on the side of a steep hill, seemingly designed to slide down the water logged slope whenever it next rains heavily.
For that reason you will see 'slope registration' signs on every concrete fortified wall, and steps to go up and inspect them. Sounds kind of racist.

Hong Kong-The Peak-Fog - Looking back down towards the harbour from the mid levels or whatever they call it.

Looking back down towards the harbour from the mid levels or whatever they call it.

Hong Kong-The Peak-Fog - The walk up is very picturesque at times when its not just white out.

The walk up is very picturesque at times when its not just white out.

Hong Kong-The Peak-Fog - This used to be a road for cars, coming down in old cars would have been very treachorous.

This used to be a road for cars, coming down in old cars would have been very treachorous.

Hong Kong-The Peak-Fog - For those of you who have been to the peak, you might recall the futuristic building at the top that has the lookout etc. This is it. Can you see it?

For those of you who have been to the peak, you might recall the futuristic building at the top that has the lookout etc. This is it. Can you see it? Look hard.

Hong Kong-The Peak-Fog - Dragon tongue.

Dragon tongue.

Hong Kong-The Peak-Fog - The top of the HSBC building dissappearing into the clouds.

The top of the HSBC building dissappearing into the clouds.

Hong Kong-The Peak-Fog - Next level macarons. Now with various edible accoutrements on top.

Next level macarons. Now with various edible accoutrements on top.

Hong Kong-The Peak-Fog - Enjoy your view.

Enjoy your view.

Hong Kong-The Peak-Fog - Looking for lunch I found what appeared to be an American style diner, except maybe Canadian. They made burritos, which are Mexican, but also Poutines

Looking for lunch I found what appeared to be an American style diner, except maybe Canadian. They made burritos, which are Mexican, but also Poutines which are some sort of terrifying French Canadian concoction of chips and cream and sauce.

Hong Kong-The Peak-Fog - I went with the pulled pork burrito, no sour cream. I appreciated its rather small size. It was delicious. Crap photo, but you try taking a photo of s

I went with the pulled pork burrito, no sour cream. I appreciated its rather small size. It was delicious.
Crap photo, but you try taking a photo of something wrapped in metal foil on a metal tray on a metal counter.

Hong Kong-The Peak-Fog - Final picture for this morning, a street full of paper things to burn to honor the dead. Mini cars, money, iphones. I dont get it, spending $1 on a fa

Final picture for this morning, a street full of paper things to burn to honor the dead. Mini cars, money, iphones. I dont get it, spending $1 on a fake cardboard thing to honor me when I am dead is insulting. Burn your actual iphone, or throw yourself on the funeral pyre!

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